'We are chefs, we are here to give a kick to tradition!'
- Sang-Hoon Degeimbre

Plant-BAsed Revolution
Keynote - Effective strategies for adopting plant-based foods
Sophie Attwood | World Resources Institute
Jane Upritchard | Compass Group at Google
Find their full report here
Water Lentils a.k.a Duckweed
Michael Vrijmoed | Vrijmoed**
An Callens | Vives University of Applied Sciences
Find their full report here
RadicL - Vegetables radically re-invented
Peter Coucquyt | Radicl Michelin-star chef
Johan Langenbick | Radicl food designer
Support their crowdfunding campaign
Keynote - Ingredients for change: towards planet-based diets
Yacon & Ube - the Phillipine purple yam
Jordy Navarra | Toyo Eatery
Sebastien Wygaerts | Ogst*
An Callens | Vives University of Applied Sciences
Mushroom farming in Brussels
Alain Coumont | Le Pain Quotidien & Le Botaniste
Julien Jacquet | Permafungi

Healthier Meals
STOP Obesity - personal flavor recommendations to increase vegetable intake
Franco Sassi | EIT Health
Peter Coucquyt | Foodpairing
Bernard Lahousse | Foodpairing
Read more about the project here
OMG Van Eyck was here: cooking off the painting
Olly Ceulenaere | Publiek*
Annelies van Wittenberghe | Ghent University
Visit Ghent! (after COVID-19)
Until then: get Closer to van Eyck
Mouthwatering chocolates after laryngectomy
Julius Persoone | The Chocolate Line
Dr. Thomas Moors | Shout at Cancer
Bernard Lahousse | Foodpairing
Learn more at: https://www.shoutatcancer.org/
Personalized Nutrition in Professional Sports
Filip Claeys | De Jonkman**
Marije Jongedijk | My Nutrition Coach & Deceuninck-Quickstep Pro Cycling Team
Keynote - Mater Iniciativa
Ingredients for gut health: food-microbiome-mood
Lieven Lootens | 't Aards Paradijs
Dr. Maria Traka | Quadram Institute

Keynote - The Digital Restaurant - Client Experience
Erich Eichstetter | LABe - Digital Gastronomy Lab
at Basque Culinary Center
COVID-19 & the immune supporting diet
What to cook when you lost your taste and smell to COVID-19?
Christophe Hardiquest | Bon Bon**
Pascal Barbot | Astrance**
Prof. Masha Niv | Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research
Find the GCCR project website here
Keynote - Good Food is Good Business
The Spacebakery: learning points for the earth
Filip Arnaut | Puratos
Maarten Vandecruys | Urban Crop Solutions